12 Days of Christmas: movie GIF list
Nothing signifies the approach of the holiday season quite like Christmas movies.
These movies have been a part of holiday traditions for over a century now. In fact, the first known Christmas film, “Santa Claus,” was created in 1898, only a year after the first film studios began to appear.

Thanks to another cultural phenomenon, we can now watch memorable moments from these movies without the trip to the theater. Buckle up for some holiday spirit, because we are going to relive some iconic Christmas movie scenes through the lens of a recent art form: the GIF.
“It’s a Wonderful Life”

This classic Frank Capra film plays on Christmas Eve on NBC every year, so there’s a good chance you’ve at least seen parts of it. We can thank the final scene of this film for helping us know what really happens every time a bell rings.
“A Christmas Story”

“I TRIPLE-dog-dare you!” Where would Christmas be without this iconic film? Ralph, his brother and his friends get into all sorts of misadventures, including this dare-gone-wrong.
“A Charlie Brown Christmas”

Thank goodness for Linus. Charlie Brown is in full form in this TV special, when it seems he is going to ruin Christmas with his poor decisions and by being a “blockhead” (according to Lucy, at least). Luckily, Linus helps everyone realize that Christmas is not beyond repair, with the help of that awesome jazz soundtrack.
“The Santa Clause”

This movie confirmed my suspicion that Tim Allen is actually Santa Claus. Also, those reindeer have some serious attitude.
“Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer”

Have you ever wanted to watch an entire movie in a GIF? Whether you wanted to or not, here’s your chance. The movie focuses on Rudolph and his friends, including Hermey, the only known elf who wants to be a dentist instead.
“Home Alone”

Many children dream of the day when they don’t have to do chores or listen to their parents anymore. In the case of “Home Alone” we get to see what would happen, with some on-point slapstick comedy mixed in.

This film turned 15 years old this year. Let that sink in. Will Ferrell gave us a Christmas miracle with his portrayal of Buddy, the human turned elf. Try watching that GIF without Ferrell’s voice running through your head. What a gem.
“Christmas Vacation”

This is on my shortlist of funniest Christmas movies. Mayhem abounds as the Griswold family tries to have an “old-fashioned family Christmas.”
P.S. If your house looks like his, I want to see it.
“The Polar Express”

Sure. It’s slightly creepy at times. But there’s still some good moments, including this one. Plus, Tom Hanks plays six different characters. “Seeing is believing, but sometimes the most real things in the world are things we can’t see.”
“How the Grinch Stole Christmas”

I think my heart grows three sizes every time I watch this movie. Whoville and the Grinch remind us that there is more to Christmas than the material things.
On that note, take some time this holiday break to relax and spend time with your family and friends. Maybe watch some Christmas movies while you’re at it. You’ve earned it.