180 employers will be at fair

James Jenkins

The most important thing a student can do for a career fair is prepare and follow up, said Melissa Scheaffer, assistant director of Career Services.

Utah State University’s 11th annual Career Fair will be held Wednesday from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. on the second floor of the Taggart Student Center.

Students should do their homework researching participating companies, Scheaffer said.

First, they need to look at the environment, culture and opportunities companies have to offer. Students will be able to adjust their questions to focus on career-related issues, rather than answers that can be found on the company’s Web site.

“At first glance, some companies may not look like they may be interested in a specific major. But on finding out about the company, employers tend to have opportunities in all areas,” Scheaffer said.

The students should tailor their resumes and cover letters to companies they are going to meet with. Career Services and the Business Cooperative Education Office can help students scan resumes for errors.

Students should be ready to make good first impressions on companies with a one- to two-minute presentation that highlights their qualifications that match qualifications for which the company is searching. Business casual attire is also recommended.

However, a good first impression is not the only necessity. Companies can see as many as 300 students at the Career Fair and may not remember any one student.

Following up with the company, either by e-mail or over the telephone, allows companies to see who is really interested in positions, Scheaffer said.

Career Services is always looking for employers for the fair, held annually, and welcome students suggestions for next year’s fair.

“The employers are impressed by what Utah State has to offer – both with the quality of the Career Fair, which is the largest in the state of Utah, and with the student turnout,” Scheaffer said.

Students can see an updated list of the approximately 180 companies that will be attending the Career Fair on the Career Services home page at www.usu.edu/career