
2003-04 ASUSU officers sworn in

Tyler Riggs

It’s now official. The Associated Students of Utah State University Executive Council for the 2003-04 academic year was sworn into power Friday in the Sunburst Lounge of the Taggart Student Center.

“Watch out, Utah State; here we come,” said ASUSU President Duke Di Stefano, after being sworn into his office by Rachel VonNiederhausern. “We now have one year to show students what we are made of. It will be difficult and a challenge, but I know we will succeed.”

Outgoing President Celestial Bybee presented Di Stefano with two gavels. One gavel, Bybee said, was given to her by former President Steve Palmer. The second gavel was new and featured Di Stefano’s name and the university seal.

“This is a time for us to sort of pass on the torch,” Bybee said.

Vice President of Student Services Gary Chambers addressed the new council, telling the students that much of what happens at the university in the future will be in their hands.

“As you new officers come into office here this evening, you begin a stewardship of responsibility that now is yours,” Chambers said. “You have the responsibility to take what has been given before, to take the wonderful foundation that has been provided, and build on it.”

Many of the things people enjoy about USU are the results of former student leaders making a difference, he said.

Chambers asked the new officers to compare the campus to a still pool of water, ready to have a rock thrown in it.

“There seems to be an inherent desire to pick up a rock and throw it into that pool and watch the splash and watch the ripples go out,” he said. “Now you have the opportunity to view yourself as a rock, and you will cast yourself out into the middle of that pool of water.

“Your ripples that will go out from your influence will be far and long-lasting as you go forth.”

The new officers started to move into their offices Friday and will continue with workshops and training over the summer.

Athletics VP Tyler Olsen said he is a little nervous going into his position, because he has seen all that outgoing Athletics VP Shelly Swasey has done.

“I just hope to be able to do as good as she has done,” Olsen said. “It’s nice to kind of officially be in there.”

Olsen said he is ready to get going with the duties and responsibilities of his position.

Outgoing Arts and Lectures VP Julie Dethrow said at the time of her inauguration last year, she was scared to death.

“I was just scared of what was going to happen,” she said. “I wasn’t sure I was prepared for it.”

Dethrow said she was unsure of what the year would bring, but in the end she learned some life-changing lessons.

“Make sure to take out time and go visit your friends, because sometimes you get too wrapped up on what’s going on on the third floor [of the TSC],” she said. “Do not let it go to your head either.”

Dethrow said she has mixed emotions leaving her ASUSU position.

“I’m very excited for the next council, for everything they’re going to do,” she said. “But my time is done, and I’m excited for that.”
