
2019-2020 USUSA officers declared

The 2019-2020 Utah State University Student Association officers have been announced. The results are below:

Executive Council

USUSA President

  • Sami Ahmed

USUSA Executive Vice President

  • Dexton Lake

USUSA Athletics and Campus Recreation Vice President

  • Braden Tomlinson

USUSA Organizations and Diversity Vice President

  • Jenny Patino

USUSA Student Advocate Vice President

  • Paulina Rivera-Soto

USUSA Student Events Vice President

  • Cooper Low

USUSA Service Vice President

  • Emma Brain

USUSA Student Alumni Association Vice President

  • Tarren Jessop

USUSA Graduate Studies Senator

  • Jared Fry

Academic Senate

College of Agriculture and Applied Sciences Senator

  • Sakira Brost

Jon M. Huntsman School of Business Senator

  • Sarah Dent

Caine College of the Arts Senator

  • Nathan Scott

College of Humanities and Social Sciences Senator

  • Naomi Ward

Emma Eccles Jones College of Education and Human Services Senator

  • Tiffanee Bird

College of Engineering Senator

  • Cooper Karras

S.J. & Quinney College of Natural Resources Senator

  • Rachel Chamberlain

College of Science Senator

  • Alex Lyons