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3 April Fools’ Day pranks to pull on your roommates

April 1 is a jokester’s favorite day, and possibly his or her friend’s worst nightmare.

One of the biggest problems with April Fools’ Day is finding a joke to play on someone. What is going too far and what ends up being underwhelming? Let’s take a look at a few ideas that range on a scale from 1 to 5, 1 being totally underwhelming, and 5 being downright mean.

1. Kool-Aid in the shower head. (4)

This joke is a little messed up as it could end up dying someone’s hair. The Kool-Aid trick doesn’t take a lot of planning; all you need is one packet of Kool-Aid, a detachable shower head, and a poor, unsuspecting victim.

Step one: Make sure you wake up early enough to shower first.

Step two: Detach shower head and pour a packet of Kool-Aid into the shower head.

Step three: Reattach the shower head.

Step four: Wait and see.

Chances are your roommate will be furious, possibly yell the occasional obscenity and want extreme revenge. From personal experience, I can say that this is a prank you should only play on someone with a good sense of humor — otherwise friendships or relationships could be at risk.

2. Remove soup can labels. (3)

Pulling this prank off requires you to be extra sneaky, almost secret agent status. I would recommend messing with your neighbors with this little joke. It’s not too mean, and by the end your neighbors get a surprise every day. You need a few household supplies: scissors and a sharpie (optional). This will take a little extra time to set up.

Step one: Get into your neighbor’s house (make sure you do it in a legal way, we don’t need anyone getting arrested).

Step two: Mark the bottom of each can with a mark that you can easily identify in the case that you feel guilty and want to help out.

Step three: Remove any and all labels (easiest to do this with the scissors that you should have with you at this point).

Step four: Sneak out.

This is a fun prank to pull and its fun to watch your victim play roulette each time they want soup. There is also an optional continuation with this prank. If you save the labels put them in a box and a few weeks later drop the box off at their door knock and run. Then go back an hour or so later and watch them try and figure out what label goes to what can. Very entertaining.

3. The Classic. (1)

Who doesn’t remember being a kid and toilet papering someone’s house? Those nights I felt on top of the world, and it’s pretty fun to relive that!

Step one: Get a bunch of toilet paper.

Step two: Go crazy.

It’s fun and harmless, and hey, who doesn’t need free toilet paper?

Have fun on April Fools’, but don’t go too far. And if you have a particularly hilarious prank, comment below. We’ll keep them in mind for next year.

Rules of April Fools’:

Rule #1: Never do something that could cause harm to someone or something they own. It’s common sense and the safety of others is far more important than pulling off a practical joke.

Rule #2: Never do anything to someone that you wouldn’t be fine with someone else doing to you. Always remember, if you prank someone they will probably want revenge.

Rule #3: Don’t break the law. Seriously, that should go without saying but keep your jokes legal. You don’t want anyone to end up in jail or have a huge fine to pay.

Rule #4: Have fun. Enjoy yourself and follow all of the rules. The Statesman is not responsible for any pranks pulled on you or your friends. Use these pranks at your own risk.