
5 reasons to stay in Logan for the summer

Staying in Logan for the summer might not be the tropical, relaxing getaway you were dreaming of for the upcoming break, but it does come with some perks.

Housing is pretty cheap. With three-month contracts being anywhere from $450-$600 depending on where you choose to live, you can make new friends and have a lot of fun. I stayed in Logan last summer and plan to again this summer. For those you of you considering to stay for the summer, here is my list of five reasons why you should.

1. Work

With many people going home for the summer break, now is an opportune time to get a summer job and make some extra cash, both for fun and for tuition. Or, if you already have a job, you can keep it and work more hours over the summer (because who wants to deal with the hassle of going home, trying to find a job, and then having to come back to a job in Logan or having to find one in August?).

A lot of people have jobs back home, but I would encourage you to consider getting a different job in Logan for the summer. You’ll gain new job experience to put on a resume and potentially have a job in Logan heading into the fall semester.

2. School

After being in school for two semesters, you probably want a break. But if you want to get ahead in your degree, or you’re behind in some classes, summer classes are a great way to productively spend your time in Logan. They’re only 8-or-14-week-long semesters, so you’ll still get a bit of a break with the advantage of being ahead in your degree. Plus, there aren’t any classes before 8 a.m. for both sessions, and no Friday classes for the 14-week session.

3. Dating

Because dateable people don’t live in your parent’s basement.

4. People

In all seriousness of point three, if you stay in Logan for the summer, you’re bound to meet some interesting and fun people. A lot of people stay in Logan for the summer, so if you decide to stay you’ll most likely make a ton of new friends. I stayed in Logan last summer and made some of my closest friends I’ve had at USU.

Everyone usually has more time to hang out, and the more events you go to, the more people you’re bound to meet. People are usually doing a lot of fun things, like canyon fires, hikes, game nights and just hanging out at each other’s apartments. There’s always something fun going on somewhere, so don’t be afraid to grab your roommates and check out some things that are going on.

5. Residency

If you’re from out of state, like I am, you’ll want to consider staying over the summer to gain residency for in-state tuition. While it can be a bummer to have to stay in Logan over the summer instead of being with your friends and family from home in another state, it’s actually a great way to meet other USU students who aren’t from Utah. I stayed in Logan last summer to gain residency and all of my roommates were there doing the same thing. Not only that, but one of them was from the same part of Washington I’m from.

It might be tempting to go home for the summer break, but I would encourage you to stay in Logan, even if home is only a few hours away. Sure, free rent, free food and having your family and friends around is awesome, but so is making new friends, gaining independence and creating your own life in Logan.
