
Student feels strongly about gay rights, Magic and Bird

Catherine Meidell

Utah Statesman: Where were you born?
Mckell Miner: Regrettably, I was born in Payson, Utah.
US: How many siblings do you have?
MM: Three older brothers and three older sisters.
US: Describe your ideal weekend.
MM: Early golf on Saturday morning, lunch at Joe Banditos, afternoon golf, topped off with a family trip to the cabin to waste the night away on the four wheelers, followed by a legit game of hand-and-foot.
US: Do you have any bad habits?
MM: I have horrible sleeping habits. Four a.m. is the new midnight.
US: I grant you three wishes. What are they?
MM: I wish I knew what happened to Walter Collins … Where are you Walter? I wish the Saints would win the Superbowl this season. I  wish the movie “Death to Smoochy,” was never made.
US: What is your most memorable pet?
MM: I had a ferret when I was in elementary school and I loved that little guy. His name was Matika, named after the spider from “Jungle-2-Jungle.”  Weird pet? Yeah, I know.
US: Who do you idolize?
MM: Dee Brown, my favorite ball player of all time.
US: If you could have a super power, what would it be?
MM: If I could have one super power I would definitely want to fly. No telling what it would be like to have nothing hold you down.
US: What issue in the political world do you feel strongly about?
MM: Gay rights.
US: Where are your ancestors from?
MM: I hail from Wales.
US: If you had a time capsule, where would you travel?
MM:  March 26, 1979. Huntsman Center, Salt Lake City, Utah. Front row, center court. Witness to the epic championship: Bird vs. Magic.
US: Who is your celebrity crush?
MM: Kyle Beckerman, the hottie with the body who plays for Real Salt Lake.
US: What would your last meal be?
MM: Ensalada Bajio. No beans, two limes and a side of KFC macaroni and cheese.
US: What is your favorite item of clothing and why is it your favorite?
MM: My toe ring. I’m pretty sure it has to be my favorite; it has been stuck on my toe since fourth grade.
US: What is your favorite thing about USU?
MM: Aggie basketball.