Parking Fee Increase

I am concerned about this recent wave the university has created “passing the ‘savings’ on to the students”–so to speak. The thing I am most concerned with right now is the increase in parking fees.

Apparently the new parking permit costs will help pay for the new parking facility. In order to build such a structure the university should have already known where the funds were coming from. Why the sudden dicision to make students help offset the costs of construction?

Increased parking fees was only a matter of time. What really irks me is that the university is increasing fees for everything at the same time. Why can’t the university make the fee increases spread out over a length of time. Tuition just went up, why make parking fees go up at the same time–that’s not helping my situation. Costs of living and driving are spiking also (which is direct result of university policy I’m sure). Seems like no one really cares about the students who struggle enough as it is just to further their education.

Also, the university says that the new parking facility will create an additional 600 parking places on campus. That’s great, but the new living community increases the number of students (cars) along with it. How’s that going to solve parking problems? I don’t think it’s fair for students like me who have to travel from the Salt Lake Valley every day to have to pay for the for problems caused by the locals.

Irate in-debt student
