
And1 Mix Tape Tour lights up spectators Tuesday night

Sam Bryner

With names like Hot Sauce, High Rizer, Elevator, Air Up There, and more you know your not at any ordinary basketball game. The fact that almost every play involves an alley oop, fancy dribbling, and amazing dunks should tip you off as well.

Fans who packed into the Sky View High School gymnasium were entertained by the And One Mix Tape Tour. The same guys that you see on T.V. traveling around playing street ball put on quite the show Tuesday night.

The And One team is made up from players from around the country who have made the team. The team travels eight months out of the year and just returned from a stop in Asia. The team will head to Provo on Sunday.

And One’s head coach, Anthony Hoke said that to make the team most of players were on the local teams that And One was playing and the player impressed the team enough to be invited to join and see how they do.

Local players for the Logan team included former Aggie player David Pak as well as former Logan High graduate Todd Nyman. Nyman said that it was fun playing against the And One players and that he got schooled a lot.

“I’ve been schooled 5 or 25 times, but I did make one score”, he said.

And One player, Elevator, said that he has been dunking the ball since the seventh grade and has always played street ball.

“I have played a lot of street ball for different teams and I love street ball”, Elevator said.

The local team had an early lead but after about 2 minutes the And One team quickly took over and ran away with the game with there high flying passes and jams.