
Administrators assist students in moving

Amy Sue Heaton

President Kermit L. Hall, Utah State University vice presidents and other officials helped move students into their housing Saturday and Sunday.

Hall said he felt students are a priority in his schedule.

“Students are our most important product, and we know that moving in and starting the school year is hard for them and a great opportunity for us to demonstrate that we care,” Hall said.

Juan Franco, vice president of student services, said he thinks it’s one of the most wonderful things that the university does.

“Moving in is of course a big help, but I think more importantly it’s the message we send to students, that we’re pleased that they’re here, and we’ll do what we can to help” Franco said.

Provost Stan Albrecht said he wanted to meet the students.

“We’re so excited to have our students back on campus and this is an opportunity to get to meet some of them, to get to know them and welcome them to Utah State University,” Albrecht said.

Richard Workman, a senior studying political science, said, “I think [officials helping] could be a very positive thing. Students often don’t know who the president is and I think he could help them to understand how the university runs better.”

Shiraz Rizui, a resident assistant at Snow Hall, said Hall’s help was a positive influence on international students, because they don’t get to see Hall very often.

Lindsey Woodhave, a sophomore studying math, said she thinks it’s a good idea because “it hopefully makes the students feel more comfortable and welcome here.”

Franco wants students to provide feedback.

“If they think that we need to do some things better, we want to know. Our primary goal is to serve students and make sure they have a good experience here,” Franco said.

Hall said, “The best way that students can better the university is to help us build some Aggie pride by supporting events on campus.”

President Kermit L. Hall wheels in a cart filled with a student’s belongings. Hall, along with the vice presidents helped students Saturday and Sunday move in to their dorm rooms. (Photo by John Zsiray)