COLUMN: No good Democrat goes unpunished

Jon Cox

“No good deed goes unpunished. No act of charity goes unresented.”

So says the now-famous Broadway musical. Such could also be the creed of the Utah Democratic Party.

Even with all of the recent troubles across the country, the Utah GOP looks to be in great shape. In fact, they even expect to win several additional legislative seats on Nov. 7. Who cares if Republicans already control approximately 75 percent of the Utah State Legislature?

Wickedness must be punished, and Utah Democrats are as bad as they get.

For starters, Utah Democrats support a progressive income tax. The rich pay more than the poor, thereby adhering to the common adage, “Where much is given, much is required.”

So when the State Legislature takes away funding from our schools and colleges in order to give tax cuts to the wealthy, Demos naturally put up a stink.

Consequently, they get branded as “tax-and-spend Democrats.”

When they look at skyrocketing pay for CEOs and a stagnant minimum wage, they try to change something. Couldn’t we reward employees with even a slight raise in salary?

But try and suggest such a solution and be prepared to be blackballed as a “Communist.”

In the Legislature’s recent special session, they decided to build a new $15 million parking lot for themselves while ignoring a $2 million request by Gov.

Huntsman and Democrats to fund emergency dental care for the elderly.

Yet, Demos in the state get criticized for having “bleeding hearts.” As if we should feel ashamed for having compassion on the poor and the elderly.

Sure, many Utah Democrats like myself oppose gay marriage, but before we write aletter to our senator, we try to get to know at least one person who is openly gay or who struggles with same-sex attraction. In so doing, our views might not change and we still write the letter, but our hate and shame is replaced with an open ear and a little more tolerance for our fellow man.

Yet, we are called “flaming liberals” for even associating with gays or lesbians.

Many Utah Democrats feel there has to be another solution to the Iraqi problem besides just “cut and run” and “stay the course.” We’ve gotten so busy painting each other as either pansies or warmongers that we’ve neglected the lost art of compromise.

But even suggest that our Iraqi invasion was a mistake and you’ll be stuck with the title of “flip-flopper.”

Utah Democrats believe that all men are free to worship whatever religion they so choose. No one faith should be fostered by the government over another. And we will never use religion as a wedge to divide us.

Yet, we are called “godless” by our peers.

Utah Democrats see the need for appropriate stewardship of our land in order to pass on a clean earth with clean air and clean water to our posterity.

Yet, we get called “tree huggers.”

And if none of those labels stick, you can always point towards abortion, even though many Utah Democrats don’t support the practice. Our lone Democratic Congressman Jim Matheson is an avid supporter of anti-abortion legislation. The current Democratic Senate Minority Leader, Harry Reid (both LDS and a USU graduate by the way) is pro-life. The list goes on. Many of us don’t support the practice except in rare circumstances such as rape, incest or when the

life of the mother is threatened. Yet the label sticks, perhaps better than all the rest.

Beware the “baby-killing Democrats.”

With such an impressive GOP public relations machine, it’s no wonder that Utah Democrats are quickly becoming an endangered species. Get to know one, before the March of the Witch Hunters rids the state of them all forever.

“No good deed goes unpunished. No act of charity goes unresented.”

Of course, if you look past our green skin and an occasional difference inopinion, are we Democrats really all that “Wicked”?

Jon Cox is a senior majoring in journalism. Comments can be sent to