COLUMN: Breaking down the Final Four



Every year we start with 68 teams in the NCAA tournament and 68 million fans who fill out brackets thinking this year’s the one they get all the games right. Statistical experts, who can’t fill out a perfect bracket themselves yet still somehow predict, have listed “perfect bracket” odds at 128 billion to one.

But now we’re down to the Final Four, a combo name clearly created at the very beginning of the English language, along with the Elite Eight and Sweet 16. Real predictions can actually be made at this point, with the better team winning – on most occasions. So men, how do you make back a few bucks on your bets? Ladies, how do you impress that boy down the hall with your in-depth knowledge? You’re in luck – keep reading for the “no-guarantees-it’s-anybody’s guess” Final Four breakdown.


Louisville vs. Wichita State


Why Louisville’s here: Insane pressure defense that frazzles opponents into giving the ball away.

Spirit guardian: Kevin Ware’s tibia and fibula six inches out of his leg.

Why Wichita State’s here: Having beaten a one and two seed, the Shockers belong as the only team left from Kansas. Clutch, clutch threes have saved them in about every game.

Spirit guardian: What more could you ask for than a Tim Tebow pep talk?

Game analysis: Before we start the David and Goliath comparisons, note that Wichita State head coach Greg Marshall makes more than $1 million each year and flies around in a private jet. So the Shockers aren’t that much of a shock – heard enough of that yet? – to be here. As much as America would like to see the angry wheat stock mascot, aka Shocker, in the finals, Louisville has made me eat my words as the most impressive team of the tournament so far.


Louisville 76, Wichita State 64


Michigan vs. Syracuse


Why Michigan’s here: Anything to do with a trey. Three point shots. Three on the roster related to famous players. And of course, Trey freaking Burke, though he ruined his chances to play for the Jazz with this incredible tourney run.

Spirit guardian: Alumnus Chris Webber should be on the bench to remind the team how many timeouts they have left and to not call them if they’re not available.

Why Syracuse’s here: They’ve allowed an NCAA tournament record-low 183 points through four rounds due to their infamous zone, squeezing the points out like an orange, some might say.

Spirit guardian: North Korean dictator Kim Jong-un declares new demolition zones. The Syracuse zone demolishes their opponents’ offense.

Game analysis: Michigan has always had the talent to be in the Final Four, falling into a four seed due to a late season slump. Syracuse came on at the right time now, but lacks a punch away from their defense. Trey Burke puts threes in from anywhere on the court if his team’s down at the end, and the Wolverines are a tough pack together.


Michigan 71, Syracuse 67


Louisville vs. Michigan

Don’t tell Louisville to “break a leg” in this game. They’ve already broken enough. I’ve never liked the Cardinals to begin with, and in a tournament of upsets, why not continue with the trend? As long as Michigan doesn’t call a timeout with none left and Kevin Ware doesn’t hobble out for the last shot.


Biased champion pick: Michigan


– Mark is an obsessive Aggie fan who moonlights as an almost unbiased Statesman writer. He is majoring in business administration and preparing for medical school. Comment at or his blog,