
BACHELORETTES: Engineering – Katie Watkins

Eye Color: greenish

Hair Color: brown

Height: 5’7″

Hometown: Salt Lake City

Major/Year in School: junior, civil engineering

Describe yourself in one word: Girl

Who is your hero? My grandpa

If you were an animal, what would you be and why? A cat, because they sleep a lot.

What is your favorite flower? Grass – it’s better than flowers because you can sit on it and taste it and it smells good and you can throw it at your


Describe your dream date: A long walk on the beach, followed by calculator games on my HP49.

Is there anything that certain someone could do to win you over? Give me

a Butterfinger.

Turn-ons: engineers with big muscles

Turn-offs: Business majors and engineers with smallmuscles

What is your major goal in life? To have a bridge named after me.