
ASUSU introduces first legislation of school year

Tyler Riggs

The Associated Students of Utah State University Executive Council was introduced to the first three pieces of legislation of the 2003-04 school year during its meeting Tuesday night.

The council gave a first reading of a bill designed to change the name of the Student Activities Office to the Student Involvement and Leadership Center.

ASUSU President Duke Di Stefano said the current name didn’t fit the activities office, as there are many other opportunities like leadership available. The legislation was approved for a second reading next week.

The council also read over a proposal to allot $2,414 to purchase a new computer for the ASUSU graphic designers.

Engineering Senator Adam Jones voiced support for Public Relations Vice President Ashley Stolworthy’s bill, saying ASUSU must stay caught up with technology to keep up with advancements being made in the USU Copy Centers.

“If we don’t evolve with them, we’re going to be left in the dust,” Jones said.

The bill for a new computer for ASUSU was also approved for a second reading next week.

Education Senator Jennifer Minchey also gave an update from the USA Today ad hoc committee during the meeting. Minchey said the committee had met, but decided they needed more time to do research on the program and how it has been received on other college campuses. Minchey said the committee will meet again in the next week.

All current legislation is available for students to view in the ASUSU display case near The Hub on the first floor of the Taggart Student Center.

Students are welcome to attend council meetings and comment on issues.

Meetings are held Tuesday nights at 5:30 p.m. in the Council Chambers on the third floor of the TSC.

– str@cc.usu.edu