LETTER: Please clean off the sidewalk ice

Dear Editor,

It’s wintertime and what a great season it is. The atmosphere is great and the snow is awesome. Unfortunately with this great blessing of snow comes the inconvenience of ice.

For those of us that face the everyday challenge of trekking up 800 East, it can become hazardous, especially when you get to the frat houses. I’ve heard so many great things about these fraternities: Community service, great service projects and even being a designated driver to a fellow frat brother, but do they know how to use a shovel?

If I wanted to ice skate I’d go to the new George S. Eccles Ice Center that just opened for the Olympic Encounters.

I mean, let’s get serious folks. I’ve seen it all, the triple axel, the Nancy Kerrigan and even a break dance on the ice. Think about it, just a little common courtesy will reflect a positive image on the goals you are trying to accomplish. So please keep your sidewalks clean.

Ruben Vasquez