LETTER: Fans should support team

Jared remember italics

Dear Editor,

The Spectrum was once home to one of the NCAA’s longest home winning streaks. It has now ended. Why?

My friends and I went an hour early to get our seats in the always full and loud student section. I was disgusted to see the severe lack of community support for a nationally televised game on ESPN2. Most locals who showed up didn’t help. The majority of them seemed super glued to their seats all game long. I’m sorry the paid patrons at the Spectrum did get up twice before the last two minutes of the game. Once to sing Y.M.C.A. during a timeout, the second, to catch balls thrown by sponsor R.C. Willey. Maybe the locals thought they had a chance of winning a deluxe recliner. Then they could sit down some more.

My twin brother Mike and I tried to go over to the “paid side” to motivate them. We were going to yell UTAH and our friends in the student section were set to start everyone yelling STATE. En route to heading down the stairs, an usher grabbed my brother’s arm demanding to see our tickets. We explained we were going to start a cheer and then return to the student section. We were told to leave immediately because we didn’t have tickets.

We explained we had done this twice earlier during this season. She told us to leave and not start a cheer. I blame the Spectrum’s broken winning streak on that usher and those who showed up just to sit. They don’t know that in the Spectrum it’s OK to stand up for something other than to sing Y.M.C.A.

This letter was not written to bash the few local fans who get up. So don’t waste your time writing The Statesman with a rebuttal. Use that energy on something useful. Get the guy next to you to stand up. Because with a Spectrum united in one common insane cheer or yell, we can’t be beat.

Tim Robbins