Penigar named top Aggie

Julie Ann Grosshans

Utah Statesman: What part of your game are you most proud of? Least proud of?

Desmond Penigar: [I’m most proud of my] offense because I feel like I can score any time I’m out there. [My defense] is coming along. It’s better than it was at the start of the season.

US: According to the Utah State basketball media guide, you want to be an FBI agent. Is that still your goal?

DP: That’s my childhood dream, just like playing basketball. If I don’t make it to the NBA I want to be an FBI agent. If I make it to the NBA, being an FBI agent will have to wait.

US: How is the transition from Ventura Junior College to Utah State University?

DP: It’s tough mentally. You have to be focused and prepared every day in practice just to go out there and compete at your best. At junior college you could take a couple of days off. You can’t take a minute off here. If you take a minute off, you’re not helping your team.

US: You and Mike Ahmad went to rival high schools and a technical foul occurred between the two of you. What happened?

DP: One game Mike didn’t play that much and he came in late, like when the game was already decided. He blocked one of my shots and started talking trash. We had played basketball the whole summer together with each other and against each other. We know each other. They gave him a technical foul and I was like “yeah, that’s what you get.”

US: What is the thought process on how you fix your hair? Corn rolls or no corn rolls?

DP: It’s just the moods. Sometimes I feel like going retro. I’ll just pick my hair out, wear some high socks and bring back the ’80s, the ’70s. Sometimes I feel like just corn rolls.

US: Who do you admire the most on the team?

DP: Brennan Ray. He’s working on his master’s right now and he’s playing basketball. That’s tough. He encourages everybody on the team to play harder and give it their best efforts. He makes me play better.

US: Where is the toughest place you have played so far?

DP: They’re all hard to play in. Probably Weber. It was just a change of emotion really quick. One time we were up by 17 and then all of a sudden it was a tight game. Then the crowd got into it and it was crazy.

US: What is the first thing you do when you wake up in the morning?

DP: I hit snooze. Then I turn on the radio and zone out for like 10 minutes. Then I struggle to shower, get dressed.

US: Do you read sports magazines such as ESPN or Sports Illustrated?

DP: Not really. I like reading books. I like Anne Rice and true stories.

US: What characteristics do you think others most admire in you?

DP: Nice. Friendly, I hope. I’d do anything for my friends.