LETTER: Stop talking about gays


The article printed on Oct. 5 titled “Homosexuality may be more natural that you think.” Is complete left-wing rubbish. I am so tired of people looking for ways to justify and rationalize homosexual behavior. Homosexuality is as unnatural as a peanut butter and tuna sandwich whether it be humans or a group of homosexual bonobo chimps. Certain pieces fit with other pieces. That is the natural order.

In order for the a species to continue to exist, nature requires that they procreate. The only way this is possible is between a male and a female. That is the natural way. That is how nature works. Just because a bunch of adolescent heterosexual apes practice mating does not make homosexuality natural. Apes also participate in public grooming, I suppose the person sitting in front of me in class wouldn’t mind if I started grooming their hair. Apes do it, so what would be unnatural about it?

With the exception of a few biological disorders, those that engage in homosexual activities make that human choice. So why do we need to talk about homosexuality more? What is there to talk about? People are gay and those that aren’t tolerate it. Yes, we tolerate homosexuality, we allow it to be or to be done without hindrance. Just as we tolerate a crying baby or country music. That kind of lifestyle is not as “natural as nature itself.” It is nothing more than a choice people make, and there is no need to try and justify that decision by looking for an answer from a society of bonobo apes.

Jason W. McCurdy