LETTER: Sidewalk use policy needs to be rethought


In the Our View for Sept. 24, the Statesman editorial staff identifies a safety problem on campus walkways, but finds a solution in a flawed walkway policy.

USU’s Walkway Policy (#509) prohibits riding a bicycle between classes in the “pedestrian zone” – the interior of campus. This is a widespread, expected, traditional and normal part of college life across the country and on our campus.

Having a policy that prohibits such a normal activity makes scofflaws of many of our otherwise rule-compliant students.

The policy is unenforced and in many respects unenforceable. The policy is a lousy guide to appropriate behavior. The policy needs to be reviewed and revised to become a policy that acknowledges and provides guidance for acceptable and safe behavior by all walkway users, while providing penalties for travelers who create unacceptable hazards.

Robert Bayn