Former Aggie’s film spoofs Mormon cinema

Mark LaRocco

The story behind “The Work and The Story” is just as interesting as the movie itself.

Co-produced and co-written by Quent Casperson, a 1999 Utah State University graduate, the movie was released Friday in three theaters in Utah.

“‘The Work and The Story’ is not your typical Mormon film,” Casperson said, who majored in English and minored in multi-media and Korean.

The movie is in the vein of a Christopher Guest mockumentary. Guest’s films include “A Mighty Wind”, “Waiting for Guffman” and “Best in Show.”

“It’s a little more sophisticated than the road-show type of humor that you get,” Casperson said.

The decision to do the movie in fake-documentary style wasn’t the original intention, said director Nathan Smith Jones. A stand-up comic, screenwriter and actor from Arizona, Jones said the project grew into something very different than the first idea.

Casperson and Jones, who have only know each other for about 15 months, hadn’t even met when shooting started for the film.

And when they did meet, Casperson was originally slated to help market the movie.

“Q.C.’s original role blossomed,” Jones said. “He did Web stuff for us; he helped organize locations for shooting.”

Casperson also contributed money to the project, and did quite a bit of script-writing, Jones said, as well as influence the general direction of the movie.

“Initially, it was about the birth of Mormon cinema, and Richard Dutcher was one of four different people who fictionalized what happened initially, and the other three dropped out,” Casperson said. “We just thought it would be a lot funnier if we had Richard Dutcher go missing and people pop up and take his place.”

The movie is an insider’s view of Mormon cinemania. It opens with a report that Richard Dutcher’s plane has gone down, and then follows three aspiring filmmakers who want to be the next Richard Dutcher, who directed, wrote and produced “God’s Army” and “Brigham City.” The irony behind the plot is that the movie itself is the next in line of a growing number of Mormon films, made by an aspiring young filmmaker (Jones) who wants to be the next Richard Dutcher. In Jones’ biography on the film’s official Web site, the similarities between Jones and fictional self-centered movie-maker Peter Beuhmann are exact.

“Nathan Smith Jones is the brainchild of this film,” said Dan Merkley, an actor in the film.

The idea for the satirical film was born on June 18, 2001, Jones said.

He was writing a movie called “Jack and Mollie,” which “would have been a lot like Singles Ward, but in my opinion, better,” Jones said. He then realized the budget required would have been too hard to acquire.

“Mormon movies cost at least $300,000 to make on 35mm,” Jones said.

The original budget for “The Work and the Story” wasn’t even a 10th of that amount, said Casperson.

In the initial planning for the romantic comedy “Jack and Mollie,” Jones wanted to shoot it all on video to save money. Then he became aware that he was trying the impossible.

“Reality set in,” Jones said. “And I realized that I had to shoot it on film.”

The producers of “The Work and the Story” encountered financial problems on every step of production.

“We ended up getting the money by the skin of our teeth,” Jones said.

Getting investors to donate was difficult for many reasons, said Jones. For example, Jones was an unproved director. Even more important, investors were wary because this was an untried genre.

“It was a Mormon fake documentary,” Jones said.

Also, he went through two editors in seven months of editing, said Jones.

There were six executive producers for the film, Jones said. Five people were script contributors, and two or three of them wrote or improvised one of the scenes.

“It takes a lot of people to make a movie,” Jones said. “It’s a collaborative art.”

Only a little over half of the movie was actually penned by Jones.

“Sixty-five percent of the script is my own,” Jones said. “[I had] a lot of brilliant comedic minds helping out.”

The film features many familiar faces from Mormon movies, including Kirby Heyborne, star of “The RM” and “The Singles Ward.”

The launching of the film is a grass-roots effort. Dan Merkley, who stars as Michael-Enoch in the film, said distributing the movie will require a lot of work.

“It’s crazy, it’s nuts,” Merkley, who was also a co-producer of the film, said. “[Self-distributing the movie] is like guerilla warfare.”

Many of the actors in the movie doubled as crew and other jobs behind the scenes.

“In the future, we want to wear fewer hats,” Merkley said. “We want one person per job.”

Chris Miller, who plays a crew-member for Peter Beuhmann, and also stars in “The Book of Mormon Movie,” said he acted in the movie because he was available.

To compound problems, Jones pointed out that they have almost no advertising backing. In fact, Heyborne will be coming to Logan on Sept. 13 to promote the film. He will be at the 7 p.m. and 9 p.m. showings, signing shirts and posters.

Rob Burton, a junior in business information systems, saw the film.

“I loved the film,” Burton said. “My favorite scene was the egg-a-mation.”

Burton referred to a part in the movie in which an ancient battle is recreated using stop-motion photography of eggs with painted-on faces.

Aaron Driggs, a Logan native, believes the more one knows about Mormon films, the more they will like this one.

“It’s a great thing and a great movie if people understand the premise behind it,” Driggs said. “If people know about Mormon movies, then they will understand and appreciate it more.”

Despite the unusual nature of the movie, Jones wants it to be widely appreciated.

“When we first started this movie, I thought I would much rather have a large group [of people] love this movie,” Jones said. “I don’t want to make movies that no one sees, what’s the point?”

Jones already has a straight-to-video project scheduled for release by the end of summer 2004. His next major project, which he hopes to have out by 2005, is a “supernatural dramedy,” said Jones. It will be called “Afterwards,” and it’s about a man who dies, can’t seem to find his body, and enlists the help of his cynical friend.

As for “The Work and the Story,” Jones still has bigger goals for it, since it’s now only playing in three theaters: the Logan Cinefour, Johnny B’s Comedy Club in Provo, and the (formerly) Independent in Midvale.

“Hopefully, we’ll have enough money to be in the big movies on Oct. 3,” Jones said.

More information about the film and its creators can be found on the Web site

Staff Writer Jack Saunders contributed to this article.