ASUSU: Get ready for The HOWL of the Dead


Well, you know what time it is. About now you can’t walk through a regular department store without seeing decorative ghouls, cobwebs, and fake blood slung about walls. It’s Halloween poking its head around the corner, and in Logan that also means the biggest costume party west of the Mississippi is dawning on us.  

    My job is to program for the students of USU. For me it’s a funny thing as this year, everything I get to program is all about getting the fun to the masses.  This was a new concept for me since last year I was working for a department on campus that shall remain nameless, that wanted educational programming to help students grow.

    Seriously though, we go to college. Education and subjects to help us grow on an hourly basis bombard us. Its probably why those programs that myself and my co-workers put on last year had such low attendance. Students need to have some fun and forget their problems for a night. With that being said, what I have been alluding to is that we are getting ready for a party, and a big one at that.

    The HOWL is coming this year and not moments too soon, as students are craving parties this time of year. We have all just finished our midterms and parties are frequently busted before 10 p.m. by the Logan City Police Department as they keep forgetting that their job is to protect and SERVE. I personally was at a party where a small hip-hop group took the stage for about 30 seconds before the Logan police popped their heads in and told them to shut the party down. So what is there to do in those instances? We can only go to the movies and hang out at Hastings so many times. That’s where we come in. The HOWL is a party that cops can’t bust as they are actually working at it and loud music, dancing and screaming is encouraged. Although The HOWL is all these things, there were a few things that still bugged me after all these years of attending the event.

    I remember my first time attending the HOWL all the way back in 2006 and being so excited that two bands of professional caliber were playing. I remember walking by the stage in the Sunburst lounge and hearing the song “8 a.m.” by The Summer Obsession and I freaked. This was the college party I had been waiting for. Unfortunately after that year I never really have seen an act that excited me like that, and I really wanted to bring that back. I wanted to give students a chance to feel excited that their favorite act was attending their university at least for a night. Which is why it was an obvious decision to bring bands like We The Kings and The Higher to come play The HOWL. We used to be a school that would bring bands like Alabama, and I would love to see that happen again.

    Another concern of mine for The HOWL was the theme. The theme in The HOWL is often lost and it ends up just being another costume dance. I want the theme to be felt immensely. Myself and others have been working super hard on making this happen. If there is any indication on how the theme has changed, all one has to do is reference Full Circle and Velociti’s performance at Mr. USU this year, or just look around at the posters. You will notice an abundance of zombies. My favorite creature in the horror realm is actually the theme of The HOWL. I am done with the safe themes, bring on the gore and undead because I am giving the student body my vision of an infected Logan, Utah.  Ladies and gentleman, I give you THE HOWL OF THE DEAD.