
Greeks aim to encourage student involvement


Greek week is a chance for members of fraternities and sororities to build their Greek community and improve unity, said Colie Peterson, the public relations and activities director for the Greek Council.

    “The goals of Greek Week are to build up campus relationships between students and Greeks and to get our name out there and what we are about,” she said.

    A Kappa Delta sorority member, Tara Derber, said, “This year we are focusing on Greek unity and coming together for the greater good.”

    There are activities during Greek Week that are exclusively for the Greeks, as well as some that include all of Utah State’s student body. Peterson said Greek Week isn’t about recruitment, it is “just a way to build a better relationship with our brothers and sisters.” She said it is the the Greek way of getting involved and to have fun while also providing service to other students.

    The theme this year is “Greekopoly” so every event will have that theme. Each chapter earns Monopoly-style money for their house based on their participation in the events as well as prizes for the winners of various activities.

    Peterson said the main event for students is the showing of “Inception” on Tuesday in the TSC ballroom. Each ticket is $3 and there will be one showing at 6 p.m. and another showing at 9 p.m.

    Dave Thomas, a member of Pi Kappa Alpha, said students can talk to any Greek if they want tickets. He said all the money raised will go to The Red Cross.

    “Inception is definitely what I am most pumped about,” Thomas said. “It’s not even on DVD yet and that movie  is a really good time.”

    Peterson agreed, saying “Inception” will be a “great event for everyone who comes.”

    “We are really excited for Inception because we have never done a Greek event for all students on campus,” Peterson said, “there will be two showings and we are looking forward to it because we are expecting thousands of students to show up to our activity.”

    However, Greek Week is mainly for the fraternities and sororities. To start off the week, each chapter will decorate their house in a way that will resemble this year’s theme.

    Along with house decorating, the Greeks will participate in what Peterson said is every member’s favorite activity – the Greek Sing, held on Wednesday. The chapters are split up into three teams where they either choose a song to lip-sync or write a song of their own.

    “The Greek Sing is usually the favorite of the week,” Peterson said. “It is a very deep tradition we all really enjoy.”

    Derber said the Greek Sing is her favorite part as well.

     “I love the lip sync it is so fun to see what all the houses have come up with. It is a great time and a little friendly competition,” Derber said.

     Thursday is filled with Greek games. There will be games like Red Light-Green Light and an obstacle course. There will also be a relay race as well as a kickball tournament. The day will also include a food-eating contest and capture the flag.

    Peterson said planning for Greek Week has gone smoothly and “they are all looking forward to a great week.”

    “People have been really good to work with us, it has all gone really well. We do this every year so I think people are just ready for it when we come around asking for help and permissions,” Peterson said.

– megan.b@aggiemail.usu.edu