Hommel named top Aggie

Landon Olson

Utah Statesman: How long have you played softball and have you always been a pitcher?

Kristin Hommel: I’ve been playing softball for 12 years, and yes, I’ve always been a pitcher. I tried [other positions] but I didn’t really have the talent for it so pitching just kind of stuck.

US: You played three years under coach Pam McCreesh and this year under coach Debbie Bilbao. How difficult has the transition between coaches been?

KH: It hasn’t been necessarily difficult, it’s just been different to adjust. They’re completely different in styles and how they approach you and how they approach the game. Learning coach Bilbao’s system and how she disciplines and how she runs practices probably for the first bit was difficult, but now it’s easy.

US: What is your favorite pitch to throw?

KH: A drop. It normally works 90 percent of the time and I’m most confident with it.

US: As a pitcher, do you ever get the chance to hit?

KH: I had the chance to hit this past weekend [at the Capital Classic Softball Tournament]. It was only twice and probably in my whole career here I’ve hit 10 to 13 times.

US: What do you think of the international tiebreak rule that places a runner on second base during extra innings and how much harder does that make things for you as a pitcher?

KH: I think it’s a great thing, especially like in our game against Middle Tennessee. It was a good thing because both teams had trouble getting runners in scoring position. It makes it difficult because it puts a little bit more stress on you and the defense just because you always know there is a runner there in case you screw up or throw a wild pitch.

US: What has been your favorite place to play?

KH: I think the University of Utah just because they have a great facility and it’s always kind of nice to play them with the in-state rivalry.

US: What do you do to keep busy while traveling?

KH: I study. I study a lot. Either that or I listen to music.

US: Does the team do any special cheers in the dugout?

KH: We do a lot of special cheers. Almost every batter has their own cheer and recently on defense we’ve been coming up without cheers.

US: Do you have any superstitions?

KH: No, I’m not superstitious.

US: What is your favorite musical, and why?

KH: I would have to say “Les Miserables,” just because I think the story is really interesting.