QUICK PICKS: Solving the shopping cart mystery

Michelle Despain

Note: Quick Picks represents the writer’s opinion of where the best shopping carts in Logan are.

Most people think of a shopping cart as a basket with wheels to move their purchases from the store to their vehicle. I have stopped and looked in wonder at the various creations of shopping carts around Logan. What did I find? Take a look.

4. ShopKo, 1341 N. Main St.

This is a great store, but I think it’s time they purchased some new shopping carts. For one thing, the baskets aren’t near big enough, and for another, kids are far from safe. One shopping cart had only half of a seat belt – this could be a dream for small children. They might view the shopping cart as a jungle gym. I give these shopping carts two thumbs and eight fingers down.

3. Greenback’s All-A-Dollar, 585 N. Main St.

Greenback’s comes in third with the “quaint” shopping cart. Being a woman, I view objects as a typical woman might. When I see these small, purple and green shopping carts, two words come to mind: Cute and quaint.

2. Lowe’s, 313 E. 1400 North

In contrast to Greenback’s, Lowe’s shopping carts are sturdy and gruff-looking- ready to take on a big load. These baskets are wide enough to hold a kitchen sink. Here’s the greatest thing- they are made of red plastic, which makes them easy to find.

1. Albertson’s, 49 E. 400 North

In first place is the “luxury” shopping cart. Despite the remodeling, they have new, glistening, silver shopping carts. These are top-quality, five-star shopping carts. Not only do they have a place to set the checkbook or wallet, they also have (get this) drink holders. Luxury cars, luxury suites and yes, luxury shopping carts. And for all those parents out there, these carts have an extension that keeps the baby from sucking on the handle.