LETTER: My thoughts after Sept. 11

Dear Editor

I am writing you about my opinions about terrorism. After what happened on Sept. 11, I’ve been thinking that if we bomb Afghanistan they will probably do it again.

One day in class my teacher, Dorothy Dobson, asked us if we would be willing to fight for our rights and our opinions. Most of us raised our hands. Then she asked if we would be willing to kill people for our rights and a lot of people put their hands down. I said out loud, “Oh, I didn’t think of that.”

So just think if your father of brother went to war what would your reactions be? I would be proud because they were willing to fight for their rights, opinions and freedom. I would also be sad because maybe my brother won’t come home; maybe my Dad won’t come home. Just think to never see them again. Now I know why we stand for freedom.

Kiley Hamblin5th Grade, Edith Bowen Elementary