Equal time?


To the Editor:I truly enjoy reading the Statesman, as its hard-hitting (and often grammatically correct) journalism helps to fill the empty spaces called “Gen Ed classes.” Thank you in advance for your continued diversions.One point I would like to address it that it seems you have quite a close embrace with environmental issues on the Opinion page. I know it must be difficult to find someone to provide a counterpoint against an author that is currently pursuing yet another degree in a third or fourth environmental discipline, or one that is in the pocket of the leader of the local “enviro-savior” group, but I think it would be worthy of your paper and the students of this fine university to get the other side of the issues facing our community. You should seek someone that is older–has been “out in the world”– and has guts enough to say, “You know what? A couple of yards of concrete and a ton or two of asphalt would fix this problem”…and mean it. Someone that is embittered by the world that being complicated un-necessarily by all the causes and rallies to save this that and the other. “Grumpy Old Man”– that’s what you could call it. If only you could find someone that fit that description….

Mike Hansen528-31-2690716-9165