POLICE BLOTTER: Nov. 25 to Dec. 1

, Compiled by Rob Jepson


Friday, Nov. 25

USU Police found the overhead door to one of the vehicle storage buildings open. The responsible person for the building was contacted and the building was secured.

Sunday, Nov. 27

USU Police responded to San Juan Hall for a report of a noisy dorm party with alcohol and a hookah. It was determined that there was no alcohol, but they were smoking mint in a hookah in the kitchen. The individuals were turned over to the resident advisor for the housing violations.

USU Police assisted the Logan City Police with an individual that kept calling 911 for a ride home. The individual was located and Logan City officers dealt with him accordingly.

USU Police responded to a graffiti incident at the Aggie Terrace. Police found graffiti on the first level. 

USU Police removed a large amount of alcohol from a student’s room in Richards Hall. Two of the individuals were of legal drinking age. Two other individuals fled the area before they were contacted by Police. The two adults will be referred to Student Services for disciplinary actions.

Monday, Nov. 28

USU Police responded to the emergency phone at the Big Blue Parking Terrace. No one in the area was found needing assistance.

Tuesday, Nov. 29

• A USU Police officer, while on a DUI shift, ran a vehicle license plate and found that it was expired from June 2010 and the plate was using a decal that did not exist in the state system. The driver was cited and the motorcycle was impounded.

USU Police responded to 1747 N. 550 East on a report of a theft of vehicle parts. The items stolen were both rear brake lights and center light area where the reverse lights are located. There are no known suspects at this time.

Wednesday, Nov. 30

USU Police responded to the West Stadium parking lot on a student who was locked out of her vehicle. Police attempted to unlock the student’s vehicle, but was unsuccessful.

USU Police responded to a traffic accident in the parking lot near the Biotechnology Center.

USU Police responded to a delayed traffic problem that occurred east of the Edith Bowen building. A driver refused to obey a teacher who was directing traffic in the area. 

USU Police received a crime report of a stolen silver Schwinn Sidewinder bicycle from the bike rack of the Chase Fine Arts Center.

Thursday, Dec. 1

• Several paper-sized posters were found around the TSC. Some of the posters were handwritten. The posters said phrases, such as, “The economy sucks,” “Don’t believe in Wall Street,” “We stand united,” etc. There were about 30 posters. Because authorization was not given, facilities removed the posters and turned them over to Student Services.

Compiled by Rob Jepson