LETTER: USU fans are disappointing

Dear Editor,

Most, if not all, Aggie fans left the Spectrum disappointed Tuesday night.

Some may have been disappointed in how our team performed. Others in how the game was coached. Still others were disappointed in how the game was officiated.

As I left the Spectrum that night, I was also disappointed: Not in our players, who played their guts out; not in our coaches, who also gave their all; and not even in the officials, who were just trying to do their jobs. No, I was disappointed in our fans.

I was disappointed in the fan who threw an object at the referee, resulting in a technical foul which ended Utah State’s hopes of coming back. I was disappointed in the fans who jeered the referee for calling the technical foul, instead of placing the blame where it belonged.

I was disappointed in the fans who yelled threats and obscenities at the officials following the call. As I walked home mentally reviewing the game, I overheard one Aggie fan say to a friend, “I can’t believe someone would throw stuff on the floor.”

Her friend replied, “I can. I wish I had had something to throw.”

To that “fan,” I am disappointed in you, too. Badly done, Aggies. Badly done.

Elisa Gee