LETTER: Hey Utahns, learn to drive


After moving here two and a half years ago from the East Coast, I have become more and more agitated at the lack of basic knowledge of how to drive found here, for example: How to operate four-way stops. To become a resident of this state I needed to obtain a driver’s license, so I made my way down to the DMV. I was amazed that the test was an open book test, and I came to the conclusion that this must be the reason people don’t know how to drive here. I have thought of ways to remedy this situation. I thought I could post instructions at every four-way stop on how to know when to go. Then, I figured, people don’t need to sit there longer than they already do to read my instructions. So here are some helpful hints:

1. When it is your turn at the four-way, go! Don’t just sit there … go!

2. When there is just one car coming down the road, and nothing behind them, don’t pull out in front of them!

3. When turning, please put your blinker on before you turn or come over in another lane – longer than the millisecond you normally do.

4. Follow the wisdom of Yosemite Sam’s mud flaps: When you’re that close to my bumper, back off!

5. Don’t give me “the bird” one day, and then ask to sit next to me in church the next.

Jill Prichard