LETTER: Diversity will diffuse hate


It is unfortunate that some students at USU have not yet learned the importance of diversity. Diversity is not a buzzword, it is the keyword. Throughout history, narrow-minded men have tried to eliminate what was great and diverse, by calling it different and wrong. Men like Hitler, Stalin, and members of the Klu Klux Klan murdered men and women in mass to purge the world of the unusual. From what I have read in The Statesman, not much has changed in 50 years. I realize some students may say there is a difference between hating people because they’re of a certain race, and hating people because of their sexuality. However, hate is the same. It was hatred that caused the death of thousands of African-Americans. It was hatred that had 6.5 million Jewish men and women gassed, and it was hatred and paranoia that killed nearly 20 million innocent Russians.

As an intern for the United States Senate, I have truly realized the meaning of e pluribus unum (from many one). It is our nation’s diversity that makes America great, and if we lose diversity (including homosexuals), we will fall like Rome. I urge all USU students to open their minds, and not their mouths.

Doug Beazer