I Blame the Humans


Everybody seems to be talking about the “homosexual” issues right now. In the course of letters sent they have been compared to foodstuffs and those that perform bestiality. The word and concept “diversity” itself has been attacked. The question I would like to pose it that how does it harm you? The human species has the same danger of exinction as the plamet has of running out of oxygen. In fact it could be argued that a decrease in population growth (no matter the cause) would in fact be benifitial.

I find the fault with the belief of both sides in this debate that the other side cares. They don’t, or at least don’t seem to. In fact more data only seems to give the other side the chance to find more fault.

Humans are a pack/herd species. Packs gather together to protect thier genes and assure that these genes move onto the next generation. That’s selfish gene therory. No matter what you would say this therory applies to humans as well. Humans have become the domaniant species on this planet mostly because they are by far the most genetically aggressive. The only species that propigates as fast as humans are unicellular. Brain size and “divine right” aside we only rule because there are enough of us to mercilessly dominate the land.

What I’m getting at is that humans are aggressive and violent creatures by nature. We require an enemy. In this world where war is so very infruquent we have been forced to find enemies within our own society. We have decided to use the club of morality to beat the overinflated corpse of our own species. Homosexuals, gays, whatever the PC world would want to call them are merely the enemy we have found now that we can no longer attack those of a different color. The problem is “difference”. We refuse to accept that which is different because we refuse to understand it. And even when we “understand” it we still try to find other reasons to hate.

I’m a straight fat white man. I have no ethnicity. Or I’m forbidden it because the world needs a scape goat. I don’t care about color, gender, or sexual prefrence. All I can truly hope for is that the world will forgive me the greavous sin of being born a striaght white middle class male. I don’t care if I have the right to say these things. I believe them. I also believe that they need to be said.

-John “Tiny” Belliston