LETTER: Soapbox is no place to vent


I would like to know what evidence Tyler Riggs has that BYU or its students “don’t embrace diversity, tolerance and religious freedom.” Rarely have I ever read such a narrow-minded generalization. Since Mr. Riggs said he has not actually attended BYU, he has no right to make such accusations. I, however, am a BYU graduate, currently attending USU and take personal offense to the comments Mr. Riggs wrote in his article.

Although BYU is not the most diverse university, it is attended by a variety of races, cultures, and surprisingly, religions. I certainly never saw anyone in Provo having a hard time “accepting” these individuals as he alluded to. So Mr. Riggs, if you could please stop generalizing and stick to the facts, it would be greatly appreciated. This type of narrow-minded attitude demonstrates more prejudice than I ever saw while attending BYU, and is a poor representation of USU students and the university. I’m not sure if it was a slow week for news, but this article need not have been written, and obviously had no purpose but for a bitter journalist to vent his dislike for BYU.

Doug Worthington