Floral design team places seventh for USU

Lindsey Parrott

The Utah State University floral design team placed seventh at an intercollegiate/national competition in Wisconsin, April 4-6.

Andrea Dawson, a junior majoring in business, said, “We had so much fun during the competition, and we met so many new people from all over the United States.”

There were two competitions. Each team member participated individually in crop evaluation and floral arrangements.

The first day was the crop evaluation. Dawson said judges would put out flowers they gathered and students would be timed three minutes at each station to write down on a form what was wrong with the flower.

The second day was a floral arrangement competition. The participants were given one hour to make a floral arrangement. They then turned their arrangements over to the judges. Once the competition was over, the arrangements were given to a nursing home.

“We were able to be creative during the floral arrangement competition, and use our skills we learned in class,” Dawson said.

The professors helped the team out a lot in the floral arrangement competition she said, by recommending to bring floral design magazines. They looked at pictures for possible designs to keep in mind during the one hour they had to complete the arrangement.

Dawson, who tied for third individually in the floral arrangement competition said, “I’ve always loved floral design. My family is really into gardening, so I decided to take the floral design class. I would someday like to start my own floral design business.”

Jessica Knight is a horticulture major, was also a participant in the competition and placed fourth in the floral arrangement competition.

Knight said “The competition was very organized. We toured greenhouses, went to a dairy farm where cheese was made, went bowling, and a nice banquet where everyone received their awards.”