Terry Schiavo and other undesirables


Editor: It is time that we unite as Americans, put aside our petty differences, and celebrate the removal of one more undesirable from our society. Terry Shiavo is simply draining medical resources and increasing insurance premiums. Her mental deficiencies far outweigh any supposed right to life, liberty, or happiness.

Forget that a Noble Prize winning neurologist said he has helped people who were in worse shape than her. Forget that her husband, who is righteously fighting for her death, moved in with his girlfriend after his wife became sick. Forget that he pulled her out of rehab treatment every time she began to improve. Forget about her mysterious broken bones. Forget that she has never had an MRI. Forget that her vegetative diagnosis was given by only one doctor who has been pushing for doctor-assisted suicide for years. Forget that 15 qualified neurologists have submitted affidavits saying that she may be helped out of her condition with proper treatment. Forget all of that. What is important is that she is not desirable in her current condition and must be removed.

There are many others that meet this qualification. There are children born every day with mental handicaps. They should not be allowed to drain our resources. There are people who suffer from depression, schizophrenia, physical handicaps, old age, and erectile dysfunction. Can anybody argue with a straight face that these people are really happy? For their own good and the good of society they must be eliminated.

Many may be squeamish about killing them. Fortunately we don’t have to. We simply need to lock them in a room and deprive them of food and water. After a week or two, as their veins collapse, their tongues swell, their noses bleed and many other tortures occur, they will pass into a better world.

While we’re at it, there is another group of people that must be addressed. These people live as a parasite on innocent women, surviving only because of a feeding tube. We must legalize abortion so we can eliminate them too. Wait, we already have. Good job, America!