USU Housing

Dear Editor,I’m not much of a complainer, but this morning things really got to me. I am a sophmore that lives on campus. It has some perks, such as the incredible maintenance team that will be at your rescue in 5 minutes flat if you need anything at all. (I heard recently that they were even voted the best maintenance team in the west.) They visit us on a bi-weekly basis because of the high quality materials they furnish our apartments with. I am conveniently located only a few minutes from all of my classes, and I can stare out my window and laugh at everyone doing foolish things on campus.This morning I was awaken at 5 o’clock by the wonderful sounds of a garbage truck. I realize that garbage is a problem, and it is important to rid of the stinky particles, but why do it so early? The truck backed up about 52 times; the beep, beep, beep kept repeating in my head. When I leaned forward to look at the clock I smacked by head on the bar that hangs down from my bunk bed. The truck not only awoke me, but my four other roomates, my whole building and all the other people in a half block radius from the truck. This usually happens on a weekly basis.Recently, our parking was cut because of a new building. Now it may take 20 minutes to find a parking spot, and then it takes endurance to trek the blocks to get to home sweet home. The construction routes students past the first floor of Merrill. The poor people that live on that floor. Their privacy has seriously been invaded.I got a letter a few days ago informing me that I owe $48 for 1/5 of a couch repair. The couch that needs repairing has been sat on by over 3000 and has been around for quite a few years. Apparently the repair cost $240 dollars for a couch that maybe is worth $50.Last year, I had $40 taken out of my deposit for new carpet. The carpet was ruined by some unknown person, and therefore, everyone in my building was fined. I was not happy, but it was understandable to an extent. It’s been over a year, and the repair still has not been made.Like I said, I’m not much of a complainer so when people ask how I like living where I do I smile and say, “It’s conveniently located.”