Photo Camp highlights events at Nature Center

Utah State University ArtsBridge Program is collaborating with the Stokes Nature Center and the Nora Eccles Harrison Museum of Art for a project for 4th and 5th graders.

In a unique partnership with a community organization, USU ArtsBridge and The Nora Eccles Harrison Museum of Art will bring a university scholar to a special summer camp at the Stokes Nature Center to help young people learn alternative photographic processes and how to express themselves through photographs.

The “Natural Nature Photography Camp” will bring kids outside to learn hands-on, alternative photographic processes such as cyanotypes (one of the first photographic processes), cliché-verres (a technique using students’ own drawings), pinhole cameras (a simple camera without a lens) and solvent transfers (made by rubbing the back of a color copy with wintergreen oil and a spoon).

The camp runs Monday-Friday, June 23-27, 9 a.m. to 2 p.m.?Program fee is $100 for Stokes Nature Center members or $115 for non-members. Scholarships are available.

The camp will be led by Tricia Hancock, who is in her final semester at USU earning her bachelor of fine arts degree in photography and a minor in business. This previous spring semester, she taught “Speaking Through Pictures” at Adams Elementary After School Art Club.

“Natural Nature” campers will experience what it might have been like to explore and photograph nature naturally. Using early and alternative photographic processes and exploring new natural surroundings, this is an opportunity to create photographs from nature; where nature is both the subject and the process.

In a creative twist on art in nature, the kids will also have the opportunity to transform the Stokes van into a traveling darkroom, create a life-size cyanotype mural and build a camera obscura (an early drawing aid that led to the development of photography).

The camper’s experience also includes a visit to The Nora Eccles Harrison Museum of Art on the USU campus to view photographs and learn how an exhibition is put together and for ideas about how to design their own exhibition. The camp culminates in an exhibition of the students’ work and reception for parents and public at the Stokes Nature Center Friday, June 27, at 1 p.m.

For more information call Stokes Nature Center 435-755-3239. The Stokes Nature Center is located in Logan Canyon, east of Logan, Utah, on HWY 89. The Nora Eccles Harrison Museum of Art is on the USU campus at 650 North 1100 East, Logan, Utah.