
Most eligible bachelors–Bryan Swan

Height: 6′ 1″

Weight: 168 pounds

Hair color: Brown

Eye color: Green or Blue

Shoe Size: 12

Major: mechanical engineering (nerdness)

Describe yourself in one word: amazinglycoolinasubtlewaywithatouchofsarcasm;-)

Describe your dream girl: 5’9″ and has a nice … I mean shows “class.”

What motivates you to get out of bed each morning? Some days, I don’t even know anymore. Mostly, it’s just habit. And, I guess, paintballing on the weekends.

Describe your perfect date: I don’t know. As long as she has fun and I enjoy being with her.

What is your favorite quote? Never argue with an idiot. They drag you down to their level and then beat you with experience.

What do you want to do after college? Not do homework! Start a career. Buy toys and make up for all the playing I missed in college.

Is there anything a certain someone could do to win you over? Reach over and unlock my door after I’ve put her in my truck. You can’t find a woman who does that anymore.

What is your best pick-up line? So, do you make it over to the Engineering Building often?

If you could meet one famous person, who would it be? Ben John Jacklin, our Engineering senator. He nominated me for this. The punk!

What is something about you that would make you want to date yourself? That just doesn’t sound right.

Why are you still eligible? I say that I’ve got to get some things done before I get to that point in life. Others have said that I’m too picky or that I’m too into paintballing, motorcycle riding and Def Leppard – a personal joke. Ask me, and I’ll tell you about it. My brother says I’ve got personality problems.