COLUMN: Reflections of an upcoming graduate

Clark Jessop

“So goodbye my friends. I know I’ll never see you again. But the time together through all these years, will wipe away these tears. I’m OK now … goodbye my friends.”

As I reflected on all of the good times I’d had, I sang these words with tears in my eyes at my elementary school graduation.

In a month I will graduate again, and so once again it is time to reflect on the good and the bad of my four years in Logan.

First, I will examine different aspects of academics at Utah State.

Best class: (three-way tie) Flag Football – Running around playing football with other NFL-wannabes three times a week, need I say more? The only drawback to this class was the beginning of the semester.

For the first few days, the teacher would always force us to go through silly drills, as though none of us had ever played football before. “This is a foot … ball … can you all say foot … ball?” Each time I’ve taken the class (three times), it’s made up of guys who know how to play football or girls who want to flirt with the guys. Ditch the drills.

US Legislative Politics – This is a class I’m currently taking. Fifty-five, strong-headed students arguing about issues in a mock Congress. Each student represents a state, sits on a committee and must educate himself on the current issues. Tree huggers, Christian conservatives, Democrats, Republicans and Nazis all together in the same room. It’s beautiful.

Handball – I’ve already written at length about this, but if they ever offer this class again, take it. Trust me.

Worst class: BIS 1400. Amen to the recent article about teachers speaking English. This class was 40 minutes of watching this poor soul who knew very little English hunched over an overhead projector trying to explain all about computers. It was terrible.

Now we’ll look at topics outside of academics.

Best restaurant: (a tie) Wingers – the Wingers Burger, the Asphalt Pie, popcorn at your table, sports on the TV. It’s a beautiful experience.

Firehouse Pizzeria – The Focaccia bread is to die for. The pastas, salads, the Chicken Alfredo Pizza and the Pizzookie for dessert are all great. Some of the other pizza is just so-so, but once again, they have sports on the television. It’s a winner.

Worst restaurant: Maui’s Juice and Deli – Out of business for a reason. Long lines, high prices, bland food. I’m glad to see them gone.

Best sporting event I attended: (tie) Utah State-BYU basketball game, December 2001. The game went to overtime, fans were holding up signs with phone numbers of the sisters of BYU players. Ags win it in overtime.

Utah State-BYU football game, October 2002, first half. I couldn’t believe my eyes. It was my senior year, we were up 27-7, and then on the last play we returned an interception for a touchdown. 34-7, Utah State at halftime! Finally, it was my senior year, I was so happy.

Which brings me to the worst sporting event I attended: Utah State-BYU football game, October 2002, second half.

At first it was 34-14 … “OK, it’s all right, we’re still up 20, no big deal.”

34-21, “Uh-oh. But hey, still up by 13. It’ll be all right.”

34-28, “$%^%# offense, I think they’ve caught on to our hand-off-up-the-middle routine!”

“&*%$ defense! Do something!”

35-34, “WHY!? WHY ME!? WHY NOW!?”

Oh well, I’m almost over it.

Well, I guess this is the end. Column space goes fast when you’re having fun. Four years does, too.

Clark Jessop is a senior majoring in broadcast journalism. Comments can be sent to