LETTER: The paper lies


I never thought I would see the day that The Statesman would allow blatant lies to be published. I am ashamed to have this paper as the voice of my university. The entire semester the majority of the news articles have focused on the anti-war sentiment, which is fine. That’s your decision what you put in print, but outright lies should not be tolerated or accepted as truth.

I’m referring to the article on Friday written by Marie MacKay. The first line of the article states; “Not everyone is against the war.” Is Marie oblivious to what is going on in the world, or is she just ignoring the facts? The facts are the majority supports the war. Fox news poll: 63 percent of Americans have an unfavorable opinion of the anti-war protesters. Washington Post-ABC: 68 percent approve of the way President Bush is handling his job.

Seventy-two percent support having gone to war. USA Today poll; 71 percent favor war with Iraq. Seventy-five percent don’t think it was a mistake sending in the troops.

I’m not a math major, but I believe those numbers are safely within the MAJORITY. Yes, not everyone is against the war, in fact only a MINORITY are actually against it. I just want some of you so-called journalists to try objective reporting, or is that not taught here?

Please do your research, get the facts and save your opinions for the editorial page. I wish I could say I will never read your paper again, but I’m sure I will. Maybe I’m a masochist, because I find it truly painful to read the garbage this paper prints.

Nick Tarbet