LETTER: Time to think for yourselves


In response to a previous letter, published Wednesday, I would like to add some perspective to the frightening statements made. Personally, I think The Statesman has done a terrific job attempting to stay neutral in reporting the news. It seems that some think that by doing your job – reporting on the activities of the students at Utah State – you have somehow neglected the mysterious “majority.”

It is unfortunate that our generation never had an opportunity to see independent journalism. We live in a world where “The O’Reilly Factor” spoonfeeds us “right, Christian, pro-American” opinions and Time Warner owns everything – including newspapers, magazines, radio and television stations.

Utah State and colleges all over the country are institutions of learning. As students, we should be taking all sides of this conflict into consideration and asking questions rather than taking the easy way out.

To me, it is frightening to see the support for this war – not because of the war itself – but because we are so willing to trust and absorb the opinions and beliefs of our parents, church and political leaders, and/or television personalities disguised as “reporters.”

I challenge each of us to do the legwork and the brainwork necessary to begin to comprehend the conflict and to form our own independent opinions. It is not only our right, but our responsibility as Americans to do so.

In the meantime, though I do not support President Bush’s illegitimate war, I do support our troops. I pray for them, the Iraqi citizens, and most of all for a speedy resolution.

Jensie Wight