Get to know the candidates: SERVICE VP

Jacob Moon


Cameron Woolf said he sees the position of Service Center vice president as a serious and potentially influential office in ASUSU.

* Why should students care about ASUSU?

Woolf said the most obvious reason students should care about ASUSU is it represents the student body in any legislative decision made related to the students.

“I believe I am the most qualified candidate for Service vice president because I have been involved in the service center for the past three years,” Woolf said.

* What research have you done for your platform?

Woolf said he has done quite a bit of research for the position, including a trip last weekend where he represented USU at a western-states regional conference.

“One of the main issues discussed [at the conference], and one of the main reasons I personally attended, was Service Learning,” he said.

Service Learning is integrating service into academic study. It is being used on many campuses across the nation, Woolf said. Through the program and the service center, students can become Service Learning scholars by meeting some specific qualifications. Upon graduating, they receive distinction on their diploma, and their service is noted on their official transcript. It would be open to the entire student body.

“Although starting up Service Learning will require the cooperation of the faculty and administration,” he said. “I honestly feel that once the faculty and administration are informed of the impact that Service Learning will have on our student body and the university in general, they will fully support our actions.”

* Do you think students really aren’t aware of the Val R. Christensen Service Center, or do you think more focus is needed on increasing participation?

Woolf said he believes there is a fair number of students who are aware of the service center, but he would like to help them understand how important service can be.

“I would like to increase student awareness of the fact that the service center exists, has weekly activities, and infatuate the fact that giving service while at Utah State is almost vital to the student’s educational learning,” he said.
