Get to know the candidates: GRADUATE STUDIES VP

Marie MacKay

As the only candidate for the position, Stephanie Kukic is the next Graduate Studies vice president.

* Why should students care about ASUSU?

From the perspective of a graduate student, Stephanie Kukic said she knows student government can become an asset for students like her.

“I think for graduates especially it’s really hard to care about student government, because a lot of us have been in undergrad. I think once people are in graduate school, they really focus on their academics rather than how the school affects them directly.”

Kukic said she hopes to better connect graduate students with the rest of the university.

“I think it’s really important to establish a good relationship between the undergrads and the grads, because a lot of the time we don’t understand each other. I think my position is important, because it’s kind of a liaison between the university and the administration, and then the rest of the grad students,” she said.

* What research have you done for your platform?

“Mainly, I’ve spoken to a lot of different graduate students. One of the major, major problems is people don’t know the proper way to get to graduation in a very efficient way. A lot of times, they assume paperwork’s done and they don’t have to follow certain deadlines.”

Kukic emphasized the importance of communication and fostering interdisciplinary relationships, things she said she hopes to improve.

* How do your platform and qualifications relate to your position?

In years past, Kukic has been involved with student government at Southern Utah University. She knows the benefits of student government and said she hopes to show that to graduate students.

“I think a lot of grad students don’t really take student government seriously, but they should, because student government is spending their money.”

Most of all, Kukic said she wants to bring in socially academic activities and help students branch out from their disciplines.

“A lot of the activities that student government sponsors are social. But a lot of graduate students are in long-term relationships,” she said.

She plans to establish various academic programs and produce a campuswide forum for information exchange for graduate students.
