LETTER: Hemingway brings freshness


I don’t understand why Jonathan Hemingway’s wearing of a kilt to the presidential debate has been made into such an issue. The day that a presidential candidate’s eligibility is based on what he or she wears will be a good day to consider how WE evaluate other people.

With all due respect, it was bad form for Assistant News Editor Marie MacKay to criticize this candidate during his campaign via the school newspaper. Running for any office requires putting oneself on the line, taking a huge social risk, and potentially devoting one’s time and efforts to the service of one’s fellow students.

So while it’s important to have an opinion about the people who are going to play a part in your education, it’s also important not to let such a trivial aspect govern our estimation of what a person has to offer. Personally, I think it was refreshing, bold and unique that he wore a kilt.

In fact, every male member of my family over the age of 3 wears a kilt to family weddings, blessings, and other special events. So who’s to say that a kilt is indicative of someone who does not wish to be taken seriously?

Even if he did it just to be original or funny, he undeniably brings humor and innovation to the table. At this university, such a person as Jonathan Hemingway is a breath of fresh air and a valuable asset to our student body.

I do not know him personally, but I would like to congratulate Mr. Hemingway for the inventive approach he is taking with his campaign, and may the best man win.

Vanessa Kirkpatrick