Get to know the candidates: NATURAL RESOURCES SENATOR

Jordan Stanley


Scott Shine is the only candidate for Natural Resources senator.

* Why should students care about ASUSU?

Shine says ASUSU is the voice of the students. It represents the student body.

“That’s how things get changed,” he said.

* What research have you done for your platform?

Shine said he spoke with Dax Mangus, the current Natural Resource senator. He also did research on other leading universities that are “environmentally friendly” to see how they operate. Shine attended an ASUSU meeting to become familiar with the organization, he said.

* How do your platform and qualifications relate to your position?

“I’m not sure how much power my position really has, but I’d like to use all of it.” Shine said.

He would like to work specifically with President Kermit L. Hall’s Environmental University Initiative to make the campus more green, he said.

“I’d like to make the College of Natural Resources have a bigger presence on campus,” he said.

Shine says he would accomplish this through heightened awareness and education.

* What are some specific methods you plan to use to make USU more environmentally sustainable?

Shine says he would like to implement policy that would guide building plans. He used the example of the new engineering building. It could have been designed in a way to take advantage of passive solar heating, he said. Also, Shine would like to have the buildings on campus pass a certain energy code, he said. “There are organizations that can test buildings,” Shine said.

He says these policies would be useful long after he has graduated.

* How will you assure a long future for your college?

Shine says he would like to educate people about the wide-ranging role that natural resources plays. Shine said he believes that natural resources affect more than just his college. He wants the college to have an image that stands out and shows how involved the students are, he said.
