Pink in the rink: USU hockey team skates for a cure

By Jodi Burton

At Saturday’s 7 p.m. game against Utah Valley University, the USU hockey team will skate in pink jerseys to promote breast cancer awareness.

Fans are also encouraged to wear pink.

All proceeds from the event will be donated to the Breast Cancer Foundation. The team will also be taking donations for the foundation throughout the game.

The Aggies have spent the last two days selling pink T-shirts in the TSC, and the shirts will also be available for purchase at the Eccles Ice Center Saturday night. Nothing has been donated to the event, with the hockey team spending money from their own funds for T-shirts, jerseys and other things.

Former hockey team vice president Kristin Peterson said this is something the hockey team has wanted to do for a while.

“We’ve wanted to do it in the past but never got around to it,” Peterson said. “This year we just decided that we were going to do it, and we definitely hope to continue with it in the future.”

Forward Jacob Guttormsen said the team is mostly interested in raising awareness about the disease and showing the club’s dedication to their community.

“We want to let people know the organization is willing to take a stand,” Guttormsen said. “We’re showing that we care. We’re a nonprofit organization doing something for the good of community.”

Guttormsen added, “Since it is the first year we’re doing the fundraiser, we’re not expecting a huge donation right off, but the money isn’t what really matters. The cause does.”

The puck will be dropped by a breast cancer survivor. Fans can wear pink and receive $1 off the price of admission.