COLUMN: Give the man a hand

Matt Ekins

If there was to be an official icon of Cache Valley, such a responsibility could rest on the shoulders of one man. The particular individual I am thinking of is someone who gives and asks for nothing in return. He remains true to his very own principle: Make someone smile. Most of you may know him as Brent.

Whether you have received a hand-delivered Statesman newspaper as you were walking through the TSC, or heard the customary honk-honk accompanied by a cheerful wave and smile, Brent’s trademarks are recognized by many in the community.

Brent has his unique challenges; but through it all he remains friendly, outgoing and positive.

So why did I make Brent the focus of this month’s soapbox article? Well, I have noticed something for the past couple of home basketball games. Brent has come to cheer the team on, but only during the second half when the game is open free to the public.

Unfortunately, Brent probably can’t afford to purchase tickets. So he waits outside in the cold until the doors open.

Ironically, many “privileged” visitors are offered tickets to attend a game. My question is simply this: Why can’t an individual who carried the Olympic torch into the Spectrum receive a kind gesture of one ticket for each game? It would be a small, simple way for USU to say, “thank you,” and reciprocate the years of smiles that Brent has given so freely.

So let’s give the man a hand to the hand of the man who gave.

Matt Ekins is the ASUSU Student Advocate. Comments can be sent to