Barr named top Aggie

Landon Olson

Utah Statesman: How does it feel to be recognized as the Utah State Athlete of the Week for your performance against Ohio State?

Ashley Barr: It feels really good that I could perform well for the team and hit my routines, so that we could get a better team score.

US: The team has a rematch against BYU on Friday. Are you looking forward to the rematch, and playing top schools like BYU and Central Michigan?

AB: BYU is going to be a really good meet. I’m excited because in their arena they’re hard to beat, but I think we’ll give them a run for their money.

US: How did you get started in gymnastics?

AB: My mom was a gymnast, and when I was 8 she just decided that I had a little too much excess energy and decided I should take a gymnastics class.

US: Did you consider going to compete in gymnastics at any other schools, and why did you choose USU?

AB: I considered going back East, but I decided that was too far away. I also considered Ohio State and some schools in California. I chose Utah State because I thought the coaches were awesome and the team was awesome, and everyone here was just really nice and it was an awesome atmosphere for me.

US: What is your favorite event and why?

AB: Well, my favorite event is bars because it’s the most challenging, but my favorite event in front of a crowd is definitely floor. It’s easier to get the crowd involved.

US: Have you ever participated in any other sports, and what is your favorite sport to watch?

AB: I did soccer for a little while. My favorite sport to watch is probably ballet or musicals, stuff like that. I don’t know if that’s a sport.

US: What kind of career plans do you have, and why did you decide on that? Where do you want to go to law school?

AB: I think I want to go to law school. I decided that because I’ve always liked debating, and I’m very opinionated and thought that could be something good for me. I think I want to go to ASU or Berkeley, just because I want to live on the West Coast some day and be in different parts of the country for my life.

US: What is your favorite kind of candy?

AB: Probably SweetTarts. I guess. I don’t know. I have a lot.

US: Do you have any superstitions?

AB: For a long time, during the season, I usually wear a star on my hand. It just reminds me of certain things I need to do as a person, but it’s also sort of superstitious.

US: Utah claims to have the greatest snow on earth. Being from Colorado, what do you think about that?

AB: I’m kind of biased to Colorado. I think Colorado is maybe a little better, but I don’t want to say that because it’s going to make everyone in Utah kind of mad.
