Fieldhouse offers climbing practice

Robert McKenzie

Climbing gyms have recently begun to spring up all over the country, even in the Utah State University Fieldhouse.

Since 1993, the students of USU have been able to use the climbing gym for class or for recreation during the winter when outdoor climbing is not an option.

According to John Long’s third edition of How to Rock Climb, rock climbing is a great way to build up strength, work different user-friendly problems and stay in shape during the winter. And for many beginners, the climbing gym is not as big or intimidating as a high rock.

Although the Fieldhouse gym is small and can get crowded very easily, because it is free, many students will prefer it over some of the other indoor gyms in town that may charge up to $7 each day. However, due to its small size, not many people are able to use it at once. This year, the Outdoor Recreation Center, which is in charge of the wall, has devised a new system which allows students to climb at almost any time of day.

By signing a liability waiver at the ORC, students are given a climbing pass that allows them to go into the Fieldhouse and open up the wall.

Kevin Kobe, director of the ORC, said, “It’s not big enough or exciting enough to charge students to use it, but the current system is working out well for us this year.”

Plans are now under way to make a bigger climbing wall for student use. Meetings have been held to discuss the possible conversion of a racquetball court into a climbing gym. With its high walls and large space, it would be a great change of pace from the current wall.

“Right now we are in the initial stages of planning the wall. It would service more students by giving them access to a bigger gym,” Kobe said.

Unfortunately, a climbing wall of that size would not be cheap.

“Because money is one of the major issues of a new wall, there could be a possible one-time fee increase for students,” Kobe said.

Converting a racquetball court to a climbing wall may not be the only solution. There has also been talk of a new HPER Building to be built which would include a much more elaborate climbing facility, but details on that option are scarce, he said.

As of right now, the gym will stay as is. Students wishing to climb can fill out a waiver at the ORC and obtain a free pass which will allow them to climb whenever the Fieldhouse is open, as long as there isn’t a class being taught.

Those wishing to improve their skills or wanting to learn how to climb can sign up for a class. Classes are from 5 to 8 p.m. Monday through Thursday nights.