Booktable and Lyric theatre

Dear Editor:On Satuday, February 15, 2003, my wife, infant son and I went to return a video at the Booktable in downtown Logan. We decided to use their video drop, which is located down a long, narrow alley off of main street. We drove down the alley, dropped off the video, then as we proceeded to go around the building to exit the alley, there was a truck parked in the middle of the alley. We could not see anyone occupying the truck, so we honked our horn.

Some staff members of the Lyric theatre confronted us, and said that they had a loading zone in the middle of this alley, and that they wouldn’t be done for another hour. They suggested that we back out of the alley back onto main street. We replied that we would not back out of the alley because we felt it was unsafe. They seemed unconcerned with our argument, and proceeded to go back into the building. A large truck then pulled in behind us to also drop off videos. Had it not been for this, I don’t think the Lyric theatre would have moved their truck. I was upset by the lack of courtesy demonstrated. No one was loading or unloading anything when we pulled up. The truck appeared to be empty.

I went into the Booktable to complain about the situation. After conversing with the manager of the video department, I was just as upset with her apathy toward the situation. She said that the Lyric theatre does have a loading zone there, and that they would just have to learn to be more polite.

I think that both sides are avoiding a reasonable resolution for the problem by blaming each other. I don’t care which side changes, but as long as this conflict exists, I am not inclined to patronize the Booktable, and because of the way we were rudely treated, I am not inclined to patronize the Lyric theatre. I invite others who have had a similar experience at this video drop to express their opinions to both parties.

Craig Golightly

For Statesman use only:764-5834craigo@cc.usu.edustudent#518275545Could you please notify me when this is published? Thank you.