OUR VIEW: Students should speak up to preserve vacation

Which students want to start school three days early just to have a couple of days at the end of each semester to get some extra studying in?

Probably not many.

But at least the Associated Students of Utah State University are giving students the chance to voice their opinions on reading days. Ericka Ensign, Academic vice president, ran last year’s campaign on a push for special days for study before finals week.

Well, is it really worth it?

Students don’t want to come to school for any more time than they have to. It may be a sad fact, but it’s a fact nonetheless. Good luck trying to convince the student body this is a good idea.

Of course some final exams are very difficult, but does that mean a majority of students need extra time to study? Won’t many students perhaps use those days for play instead? Of course they will.

There are already a couple of days before finals week every semester in which students tend to have few obligations. Those days are affectionately known as the weekend. Students could easily use those days for study.

Well, when surveys are distributed in the coming weeks, students should take them seriously. Speak up, and don’t let anyone cut summer vacation short.

But hats off to Ensign for taking a stand and desiring to make a difference.